The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is a wonderful organization founded by Dr. Roger Nelson, which originally manifested out of Princeton, NJ. The GCP measures events of high compassionate consciousness like World Sound Healing Day and other activities such as peace meditations. Using Random Number Generators, the GCP has found that with events of high compassion, the numbers that manifest are not random, but can be actively graphed. What should be seen as a straight line can look like a mountain range, depending upon the activity.
This year, Dr. Rollin McCraty, working with Nachum Plonka, both of the HeartMath Institute, have taken over the Global Consciousness Project 2.0. They sent me the graph below which measured the specific activity of the Global Unified Heart Activation that occurred from 11:55 am – 12:10 pm Eastern Time on Friday, February 14th–World Sound Healing Day. This graph offers a depiction of the energetic manifestations of this particular 15 minute event on that day.
When you look at the graph, the results are quite interesting. With the actual event, there was first a 6 minute guided meditation followed by 6 minutes of sounding and then ending with 3 minutes of silence. The graph seems to indicate this. If there was a “peak” portion of these results in the graph, it seemed to rise as the toning began and culminated during the conclusion of the real time experience of our creating the intentionalized sound for planetary healing. The pattern of the graph seems to track the activity of that event. This seems quite extraordinary!
We are graced to have such high level programs that may in some way indicate our ability to merge our personal consciousness with that of our planet. Here is a more elaborate write up of this event on the Global Consciousness Project website: Valentine’s Day-World Sound Healing Day
Dr. Roger Nelson has previously noted that that there was a ‘positive trend’, indicating that indeed, a global event of high compassion did occur throughout the day on our planet. Nanchum Plonka agrees. Again we give thanks.
As we continue to progress in our evolution, let us look forward to the 24th World Sound Healing Day in 2026. Please continue with your resonance of our beloved planet through sacred sound and please know that through our Light, our Love and our Sound, we have indeed made a difference!
Many Thanks & Blessings
Jonathan Goldman