I would like to suggest that there may be some significant differences in people, from the vibrations of their physical body parts to the vibrations of their etheric fields. And I would like you to contemplate the importance of this as we delve more and more into the world of sound. Be aware that it is also possible to encode other frequencies onto the body and that it is possible for a person with the best intention, to encode a frequency of a certain rate that they deem correct and healing on to another person. And if those frequencies do not resonate with the person, it is possible for that person to be put into a state of imbalance by these frequencies. I have seen this happen.
A musician friend wanted to experience one of these sound treatments from a machine that are becoming so popular. They visited a practitioner who diagnosed them and found imbalances which would be treated by listening to certain frequencies. This friend had been perfectly fine. Then they listened to the frequencies and they got sick. They had to be vibrationally readjusted. They did this by listening to one of my tapes that worked very well for them. Then they called me.
“What should I do?” they asked. “I called and told the practitioner what happened to me after I listened to their sounds and I was told to come back and receive a different frequency.”
“Don’t go back” I told them. “Their frequencies weren’t correct for you. Maybe they work for someone else, but not you. Go on working with your dolphin sounds and other sounds that make you feel good.”
The friend promised they would take my advice. But, one week later there was another phone call. This person had gone back and received a different sound from the practitioner and had become even more imbalanced.
I tell that story merely to suggest to you the old adage of “let the buyer beware”. If a “sound medicine” is resonating with you in a positive manner, you will know it. You will feel healthy and aligned. If it isn’t, you will also know it. And if it is not, do not repeat your error. You must use you own discrimination when dealing with those who claim to have the correct resonant frequency for you. It may be correct. It may not be. Only you can know for sure.
One sound does not fit all! As always, the key is to listen to your own inner self. If a sound/frequency is not working for you, then move on. When it’s right, you will know without any doubt as it resonates you fully. Trust yourself.