Dolphins have the ability to send and receive sonic frequencies of 180,00 cycles per second. That is 10 times faster than humans can perceive–human hearing ends at about 16,000 cycles per second. Dolphins have the ability to project multi-dimensional holographic images on their sounds. In a series of clicks, a dolphin can encode encyclopedic information upon sound. And another dolphin can receive and understand this information. What is the difference between these sounds and telepathy? The difference is that one is physical plane sound encoded with thought forms. The other is pure thought form. Can they convey the same information? Possibly, depending upon the receiver. Do they have the same effect? Possibly. What is the difference? You tell us. Next time you want to greet someone, think “Hello”. And then with the warmest of depth and intention say “Hello” and judge for yourself. Even if the person is a fine psychic, they will no doubt appreciate the physical plane greeting.
The same is true about prayer. Silent prayer is wonderful. Audible prayer may even be better. It is not that the deities on the higher planes can not hear the silent prayer, they just appreciate the audible as more of an offering or honoring. It is a matter of preference. Besides, most humans are so neophyte in our ability to telepathically transmit and decode information. Certain traditions in Australia have developed a degree of telepathy which they use over long distances. However, many of what you call the “Aboriginal Tribes” do not do use telepathy in close proximity. They still speak to each other when it is practical. And these traditions continue to use sound primarily as either a healing modality or as a sacred modality to invoke and honor deities and energies. Bones can be knit together with sound. And ancestral energies brought in to gatherings through sound.
Even if one has developed to a high degree the ability of telepathy, sound is still utilized. Because it is a powerful energy that is much more than pure thought. It is a physical frequency–a third dimensional energy. Remember, in your development with sound, that the carrier of the consciousness, of the thoughts you send, will still be sound. It is an easier and more efficient means of communication–at least here on the third dimension.
Someday, in the not too distant future, we will learn to communicate with others through a harmonic language. It will be a language of tone and melody, without words. This once was. Then as the bible literally illustrates, languages developed and all forms of havoc were created. Global communication ceased. Language became used for communication and music became music. The musical language that once was disappeared.
Do you recall the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”? Do you recall how the extraterrestials communicated in that movie? They did it through a tonal language. As a channeled entity once shared with me, these beings were searching the universe for another species with which they could communicate. They were looking for another world which had developed its own melodic language. When they played their melody to us, we were wise enough to mimic what they said using sophisticated computers and the like. But we did not have our own tonal language with which to truly communicate. This gave those in the Mothership the awareness of our level of development. And ultimately, they left, searching again for a species that could communicate on their level. What was this level? A tonal language.
This tonal language existed eons ago, and it will exist again. It will utilize the energy of harmonics and it’s users will work with the understanding of Vocalization + Visualization = Manifestation. The cutting edge of humankind is already beginning to realize the possibilities inherent in this and to experiment with this. Why not? The dolphins and other beings are assisting us on many levels in order to achieve this. It is a much purer form of communication than we have and when it is done successfully, it must come from both the heart and the mind. Not just the heart. Not just the mind. But a balance between the two. And such radiant energy it is.
Just recently, Andi and I were watching a DVD of our colleague Stephen Mehler (author of FROM LIGHT INTO DARKNESS) and his teacher, Hakim. Hakim, (who was in his 80’s at the time of this DVD and who has now passed from this planet), was a wisdom keeper of the Khemit tradition. Khemit you might ask? That is actually the name of Egypt (which is a Greek word) as it was known about thousands of years ago. Stephen and Hakim were talking about sound and the development of language. They said that a very long time ago, the Egyptians were telepathic. Sound was used for only one thing and that was for sacred purposes. It was used for prayers, healing and acoustic levitation. This was a fascinating speculation totally in alignment with the material in this article which we trust will resonate with you.
In the meanwhile, remember the importance of intention and visualization in whatever sounds you create. And remember, to always sound with the energy of love. This is something that the dolphins always do. You would do well to follow their example.