“FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING”. Frequency of course, is the actual sound used. Healing was a term used to describe the process of putting something into its healthy resonance. Today I use the term “Frequency Shifting”. Intent, in this formula, is the important ingredient. Intent is the energy behind the sound. It is the consciousness that is encoded into the sound. Intent is very important.
I began to realize that it might be possible for two people to make the same sound and have a very different response, depending upon the energy that was put into the sound. Have you ever had someone you were not particularly fond of see you at a party and say in a snake-like tone “Good to see you” and felt as though you immediately wanted to leave the party. While the words (or the frequency) may have been one thing, the intention (or energy behind the words) said quite another. And the effect was not one of welcoming, but rather something very different. This is an illustration of how intentionality affects the outcome of the sound.
I found that even specific mantras would resonate different chakras, depending upon the intentionality of the person giving them. The “Om” might resonate the heart chakra, or the belly chakra or the third eye–it all depended upon what a spiritual master might be teaching to a person. As I began to realize the importance of intention, I began to spend considerable time in my teachings stressing the important of this. And at the time, it was necessary to do this. However, I admit that I went a little overboard. Initially I began by talking with scientists and medical doctors who were so interested in examining only the frequency of the sound that the idea of intention was a new (and somewhat ridiculous idea to them). Nevertheless, I continued sharing the importance of intention in my workshops, lectures and writing. And as usual, things got a little out of alignment. People began to think “Well, it doesn’t matter what sound I make as long as my intention is there.”
On one level, this is true. On another level, it is not. The formula which I was given was “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING.” This formula was created for the 3rd Dimensional Earth plane as it is currently evolved in your time and space. While it is true that in higher dimensionalities, Intent (and consciousness) does create all, very few beings on this planet have reached the level of development, where the actual sound they create is unimportant and the intention is everything.
Now undoubtedly, there are spiritual masters on this planet who can belch or create any such sound and produce miraculous results. However, a majority of you (while you may perceive you are spiritual masters, and you may be) have not reached the state of development where you can do this. I illustrate this point by saying that if you wish to calm someone down with a sound and then you shout in their ear, the result will be that your shouting will undoubtedly produce severe reactions of agitation in the individuals. Their heart beat, respiration and brain waves will all escalate and they will probably not enjoy your shouting in their ear, regardless of your intent. So I say that until you can levitate or dematerialize or do any of a number of frequency shifting exercises that you will ultimately be able to do, we urge you to pay attention to the frequencies that you are using. As well as the intentionality that you are putting into these frequencies.