With harmonics of the voice, we are usually talking about overtones that are anywhere from twice the frequency of the fundamental, up to 15 times the fundamental. While it is possible that harmonics can conceptually represent sound turning into light (because when a sonic frequency is multiplied by 40 octaves it turns into the electromagnetic spectrum which we call light), the harmonics produced by the human voice are well within the audible spectrum. Yet, they have profound effects.
The use of vocal harmonics date back to before your recorded history. They were utilized in Atlantis and Lemuria, and then later on in Ancient Egypt and your other Mystery Schools. They were utilized by the priests and shaman of these traditions for any number of different purposes: to resonate the physical body, the etheric fields and the brain. They were used for healing, for consciousness expansion, for divine and extraterrestials communication, for the creation of inter-dimensional fields and many other activities. At the ancient healing temples in Atlantis they worked with crystals and harmonics in a specific geometric form as a group with an individual lying in the center. Limbs and organs could be regenerated in this manner. It was truly wondrous.
I am most interested in using vocal harmonics to activate certain portions of the brain. I believe that the brain is basically a transmitter and receiver of information. It is much like a radio that can be tuned to different frequencies and access multi-dimensional energies. I have found that by creating specific harmonics and then directing them to particular portions of the brain such as the pineal gland, that it is possible to activate these portions of the brain and actually cause a frequency shift which re-tunes the brain. It is very exciting.
This, of course, is just one of the areas in which harmonics may be used. The creation of inter-dimensional fields using specific intervals and harmonics is another that will be receiving some rather dramatic attention in the near future. Those of you who are familiar with the term “Merkabah” may realize that this vehicle of light is really just an inter-dimensional field generator and may be created by using specific harmonics with color and geometry.