Please tune in April 13th, Wednesday, at 12 noon US Eastern Time, to when I present “The Healing Sounds Show”. My guest for this show will be Lisa Rafel.
Lisa Rafel is a teacher, performer, and spiritual/esoteric wisdom keeper who offers programs to access inner resources for self-growth. A chantress, songwriter and poet with numerous recordings, she joyfully teaches ways to develop creativity, compassion and power and can translate difficult concepts into easy to understand practices.
Lisa presents about intentional sound, music and self-awareness at international conferences, workshops and colleges. She encourages spiritual self-awareness and teaches methods for self-healing through her international program, Resonate With the Soul. Her Vocal Sound Healing course presents powerful ways to use the voice for healing, as well as ways to develop intuition and ethical, healthy boundary management. Lisa works privately with individuals, couples and groups utilizing practices from scientific, shamanic, esoteric and spiritual traditions.
Lisa is president of Resonant Sounds, LLC, a company that creates music, books and gifts to promote well-being for parents, children and newborns. She is the songwriter and co-author of the newly released book/CD, Safe In The Arms Of Love: Deepening the Essential Bond with Your Newborn, published by Wise Parenting Press. Co-authored by Dr. David Surrenda and Gary Malkin, this book and musical resource addresses the importance of establishing a healthy, loving bond with newborns. For more information on this book, please visit:
Lisa is on the Executive Board of the Sound and Music Alliance, a 501c6 association promoting the use of intentional music and sound. In addition to her writing, performing and teaching, she leads sacred ceremonial tours to Egypt. To contact Lisa, please visit:
Lisa has been a colleague of mine for many years. A gifted teacher and performer, I know this will be a most interesting show. Please join us on April 13th for this fascinating show.
Next month, please tune in on May 11th, when my guest will be Barry Goldstein, musician and sound healer.
If you have a question and would like to be “live” on the air with us on the Healing Sounds show, here’s the audience call in telephone number: 800 – 555 – 5453
Please tune in to this Internet Radio Show Wednesday, April 13th, at 12 noon Eastern Time to
Harmonically Yours,
Jonathan Goldman