The Divine Name Aura Imaging Phenomenon
I had just sent out the completed manuscript of The Divine Name to my editor. I was done with the book. It was the best I could do. I was content.
The next day, I attended INATS, the International New Age Trade show-a yearly event in Denver where authors, musicians, artisans and many others speak, perform or had booths displaying their works or others such as myself, who did signings for those in attendance. The first day had been extremely busy for me, ending that night with my receiving two Visionary Awards, one for “Best Healing/Meditation Album” which my CD “2012: Ascension Harmonics” won and another for “Best Web Site” which the Temple of Sacred Sound won. This was a great surprise to me as well as quite an honor.
The following day my wife Andi & I arrived quite late at the show in order to spend a couple of hours looking around at what we had missed previously due to our busy schedule of activities the day before. As the show was just about to close down, I passed by a booth that had “Aura Imaging” photography.
The study of photographing the aura has been around since the 1930’s, when two Russian scientists, Valerie and Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that by passing a slight electric current through a plate that contained living matter, they were able to observe some sort of color “discharge” that extended beyond the physical material-what has become known as the aura or the electro-magnetic field. This work has progressed over many years until there are now sophisticated cameras available that seem to be able to record different colors of the aura relating to moods and other factors of people who are being photographed. There’s much skepticism about the validity of these cameras, though the photographs can be fascinating to observe.
At this booth, there was a monitor that displayed the “real time” effects of people using the equipment. I was asked to sit down and try it. However, I was tired and ready to leave the show-not particularly interested in having my aura photographed. But for some reason, however, I was guided to sit down and as an experiment, see if any changes would occur in my aura while intoning the Divine Name. Apparently, when I did this, the results were quite startling to everyone around the booth including the aura camera operator. I had missed whatever had occurred since my eyes were closed. I was asked to do sound the Divine Name again. This time, the results were recorded.
What I present now are photographs taken from a brief 20-second video made while I intoned the Divine Name. It is not my purpose to validate aura photography or equate any particular meaning to what you’ll see. I simply make these photos available for your perusal. Most aura photography shows one or two predominant colors that are seen swirling around a person. With these photos below, there was an initial slight bluish purple that was visible before I began to vocalize the Divine Name. This bluish purple hue is not visible in the first of these black and white photos. However, as you’ll see, in the next pictures that follow the first, a pure white light almost immediately begins to emerge and then envelope me as I vocalized the Divine Name.
No claims are made about what these pictures represent. I do find it most interesting that rather than the traditional change in the color of the photograph which is usual when people try to affect their aura, these pictures demonstrate something quite different. As I started to sound the Divine Name, white light immediately began to manifest. I’d never seen that before. I don’t believe anyone else had either. I present these photos to you now with no agenda. They may well show one aspect of the power of the Divine Name to initiate Light & Love through Sound. Or they may indicate something else. I trust you’ll find them of interest.
From THE DIVINE NAME ©2010 by Jonathan Goldman, Published by HayHouse
Click Here to order The Divine Name