At this point in our development, no one has yet come up with an instrument, tape or sound that will work specifically to heal an imbalance for everyone. Certainly some people are remarkably assisted by the specific sounds from instruments created by those who believe we are all vibrating at the same frequency. We know of miraculous experiences that have occurred–wondrous healings and the like–but we also know of people who have not received help through such sounds. And the question is why?
The most likely answer is that, indeed, there are those who will vibrate to specific frequencies that are the same and those that do not. This is very simply most close to the truth as we know it.
It would seem that even in our traditional medical fields, the different pharmaceuticals that are applied do not work specifically the same for all individuals. One person will get miraculous results from one drug, while another person will not have much effect at all and another person will have what is known as an allergic reaction and become sicker from the drug than before. If we were all of the same vibrational rate, would not the drug effect all people the same way? The same thought, of course, could be applied to the concept of organ transplants. There are many variables that go into the consideration of this. Not every organ is going to work for every individual. The same approach could be applied to sound.
In Ayuvedic Medicine, for example, there are three basic different types of people and what works well for one group will not work well for the other group. Could a similar situation exist with sound and help explain why one sound may work well for one person and may not work well for another?
With astrology, which is based upon the the vibrations of the planets and their effect upon an individual, we find that every individual has a unique birth chart, due to many different factors. No one is exactly the same. Even twins born only minutes apart will have different birth charts. This is another indication of the uniqueness of the individual and our own unique vibratory rate.